Friday, May 25, 2007

Facebook Me: GenY TechGUY

Like writing the first page of a novel or watching the first at bat of your team's favorite prospect; the first blog post seems to take on a little extra meaning. Maybe then its fitting that in Spring, a season of FIRSTS (The Warriors Winning a playoff series, Dice-K pitching his first complete game, Paris going to jail and Roger putting on pinstripes - Didn't this already happen?) we are debuting "GenY TechGUY."

So picking-up with all the buzz this week, we're going to focus on one of our favorite Web 2.0 companies: Facebook.

David Kirkpatrick of Fortune has an outstanding exclusive on Facebook, that went online yesterday evening and will run in an upcomming issue of the magazine. David takes a look at the announcement of Facebook OS and how it will fit into the mission of the company. I think David nailed it as he often does. I've had the pleasure of speaking with David in the past and he's often the one to break the big story when other writers already think they've broken it. Some how he manages to get the bigger scoop and always produces the "real" story.

But it got us thinking over here....Why do we love Facebook so much?

Kirkpatrick’s story on the announcement and the overall mission of Facebook nailed it on several levels.

Personally, as a Generation Yer, the story hit pretty close to home.

The whole story of Facebook really defines our generation and I’m telling you first hand; the college crowd isn’t going to leave…Like many college alums I have started to dabble in other social networks for “professionals” like LinkedIN, but Facebook keeps pulling me back. Why?
Because it’s about cultivating relationships with people I already know and have shared 3:00 a.m. bleary-eyed discussions with. Like Kirkpatrick duly noted.

Slowly after some time the college crowd will start to go back less frequently but they will still check-in from time-to-time and the next generation of college and high school students will carry the torch.

I was graduating as an undergraduate when Facebook first came to my university and it instantly took off. The funniest thing is that the class that graduated ahead of me has no idea what the Facebook phenomenon really is.

Just one year difference and they don’t understand how closely entwined Facbook became in everyday College life. From organizing parties & fund raisers, sharing pictures, stories, declaring relationships and viewpoints, defining myself, letting me know my friend from abroad was having their birthday, letting people know where I was; it became a daily part of my life.
In truth these days, it’s like waking up in the morning and reading an online newspaper about what is going on across your “Friend’s World.”

That’s what the feeds have enabled. Yeah, it started out as a great hook-up tool for frat brothers but it has evolved into so much more. That’s why this announcement from Zuckerberg didn’t catch me off-guard at all.

Involving your friends in everything you do online; is what Facebook has already turned into. It’s even more actually. It’s the tool to include your friends in everything you do in your life. At least in my social circles…

Facebook is going to end up being Microsoft’s best move of the decade because I truly believe Facebook will far surpass Myspace in the next couple years and become a company that is mentioned in the same breath with the likes of Yahoo! and Google.

As long as Zuckerberg doesn’t let the site become overly commercial and sticks to the mission of “growing your relationships online with old and new friends” Facebook will be the company that we are talking about in the next decade.

“I Googled it” and “I Facebooked him” will be synonymous phrases in all social circles..

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